Society for Newsdesign

The Society for News Design (SND ) is an international professional organization with over 2,600 members in 50 countries. It was founded on 22 May 1979 as a non-profit organization in Pennsylvania (USA). Headquartered in North Kingstown, Rhode Iceland. It is composed of editors, publishers, designers, consultants, info graphic designers, art directors, photographers, layout designers, advertising designers, web designers, students and professors.


The directors of the SND in its founding year were Richard Curtis ( The ( Baltimore ) News- American), Roger Fidler ( Knight - Ridder Newspapers ), Sara Giovanitti ( The Boston Globe ), Dave Gray ( The Providence Journal ), Robert Lockwood (The Allentown Call ) and Rolf Rehe ( Herron School of Art ). Deer, the only German participants in the founding era, is an international media designer whose work has so far taken him to 32 countries on all continents. His redesigns mainly include daily newspapers in the United States, South America and in many European countries. The company's name was changed in 1982 in the Society of Newspaper Design and 1997, again in the Society for News Design. Among the well-known members of the SND include, among others, Mario Garcia, a media designer ( the redesign ) of the Hamburg weekly newspaper made ​​in Germany by remodeling "the time" talking point.


Organized is the SND in 19 regional sections in North America. ( SNDlatina ), in French -speaking countries (SND -FR ), in Scandinavia ( SND / Scandinavia ), Estonia (News Design / Estonia ) and in German-speaking countries (in Spanish speaking countries SND ROOF: In addition, there are various European sections ).


The German -language section of SND has the additional name DACH, which stands for the automotive nationality mark D for Germany, A for Austria / Austria and CH for Confoederatio Helvetica / Switzerland. When SND Congress 1999 in Copenhagen, some designers from Germany, Austria and Switzerland came together (including Hans Peter Janisch (D ), Prof. Michael Stoll (D ) and Rolf Rehe (A)), and decided the German speaking become active. SND / DACH thus followed the example of Scandinavian and Spanish activities with regular meetings, workshops and seminars outside the hitherto dominant United States. At the fourth meeting, she was on 4/5 May in Vienna founded as a nonprofit organization in 2001. Hosted the inaugural meeting, the Austria Press Agency (APA ). The stated goal of the SND / DACH is to promote journalistic quality through good design.


Design: The quarterly magazine Design ( in English ) provides information on the latest trends in newspaper design and provides tips on technology, typography and design techniques.

Best of Newspaper Design: The Yearbook 'Best of Newspaper Design Competition " - consistent in color - is almost 1000 pictures in front of the 150 newspapers from around the world. The current 23rd edition of the yearbook - published on 30 December 2005 - consisting of 272 pages (ISBN 1-592-53169-5 ).

Gazette Europe: A quarterly PDF newspaper with an emphasis on design topics from Europe.

Gazette: A quarterly PDF newspaper with an emphasis on design topics from the German-speaking region.

Design Competition

Annually organized by the SND a design competition. It is performed together with the SI Newhouse School of Public Communication ( USA). The selection takes place every year in February. The presentation of the awards takes place at the annual meeting of SND, which always takes place in the fall. German laureates include, inter alia, "Time " as the Best designed Newspaper, The "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ( FAS) and" Der Tagesspiegel ".

See also: European Newspaper Award; News Design
