Space food

As a cosmonaut or astronaut food is called the carried food of astronauts during a mission. This is packaged in plastic bags or tubes.

In the 1960s, so in the time between the first man in space Yuri Gagarin (1961) and the first moon landing of Apollo 11 (1969 ), the astronaut food was developed. At first this had the form of small cubes pressed to provide the astronauts with fats, proteins and vitamins. As a drink served sterilized applesauce, because the food had to be easy to digest.

Later, from the cubes of dried food in plastic containers that had to be made ​​into a meal before consumption with water. The food contains a high proportion of calcium due to bone loss in weightlessness.

In the meantime, can, for example, NASA astronauts put together their space menus from 74 food and 20 beverages. Meals are verified by nutrition experts to adequate nutrients, as the man in the weightlessness felt less hunger and thirst. Can be spiced up with salt water and pepper in oil.
