Speed reading

Speed ​​Reading is the ability to read faster than average, yet to understand the content of the text.

Quick reader

A measurement of reading speed is only useful in conjunction with a review of the understanding. With faster reading sometimes accompanies a better understanding of the text, since there is less concentration of the " decoding " of the letter is required, and the reading operation of " automated " is. Reading literacy depends inter alia on the reading speed, the acquisition of content but also of the short-term memory performance.

The fastest reader bring it to more than 1000 words per minute. For reading with much higher velocities years of practice is required, otherwise not much more than when scrolling is understood. Scientifically proven, verified records are in the range up to 4000 words per minute.

How to read?

A more detailed description of the reading process is in the article read.

Basically, when reading only a small part of the existing letters is recorded sharp. The main criterion for the evaluation of text, is the recognition of words or word groups. These phrases can be recognized as a whole because they are already stored by the reader for the most part as an image including significance. The size of the groups of words is dependent upon the individual skill of the reader and also the design of the text.

An essential criterion of text comprehension is the ability to once already captured images ( text blocks, groups of words ) recall and integrate them into the existing context. Helpful for this is the recognition by known typefaces.

New words are first captured once by single letters when the word then understood and has been brought into context, it is saved as an image. Depending on the frequency of the word this is also stored multiple times in a different context. The image seen is compared with already existing images, and placed in an understanding of context.

If one were to actually capture each word individually when reading, it would not be possible to read texts faster than 300 words per minute.

On the ( familiar ) font, it is also the use of serifs (horizontal underscores, which are appended to the letter and usually sketch out a baseline ), capital letters and lower case letters (uppercase and lowercase) for reading, especially in the German language is essential. Similarly, the deviations of individual letters from baseline ( cap height, ascender, descender ). When entering words ( and, subsequently, word groups) these deviations are of crucial importance.

Capturing text is also facilitated by the use of column set as a row with 40 to 50 strokes already can be a predefined group of words and the eyes no longer be moved horizontally but vertically from line to line.

Scientific research

The results of eye movement studies with high speed cameras to show, that a quick- reader capable of receiving a set of less eye movements and fixations. Slow readers require up to five times as many eye movements as a very fast, efficient readers. In the former, the eyes get tired much faster, which can lead to fatigue and thus slower reading. A slow reader must make an effort to internalize information, which leads to increased frustration. As a result, he reads only the bare minimum, since reading is a difficult and unsatisfactory experience for him.

During the slow reading, the brain is not sufficient demand. It falls into a default mode ( default mode ), in which the thoughts wander. A slow reader has a poorer understanding of the text and requires more time to absorb information from the text. When he arrives at the end of the text, it has taken longer and a large part of the contents already forgotten.

What hinders the ability to read quickly?

The ability to read quickly, can be impeded by a low short memory. In addition, a small vocabulary makes it difficult to detect unknown words. Repeatedly jumping back to previously read text passages (regression ) of the reading flow is disturbed. The word - for-word reading, instead of the simultaneous detection of several words, can hinder the flow of reading. The capacity is reduced by inefficient eye movements and the long -term fixation of a word (eye stops). Just slow down disinterest, dislike of subject content or the author reading process.

What facilitates the ability to read quickly?

A great short memory, the ability to read quickly ease. Unknown fonts must be re-learned during reading. Therefore, known fonts and the appropriate font size easier reading. Appropriate sets of columns ( text blocks ) facilitate the simultaneous acquisition of multiple words ( meaning groups), appropriate line spacing finding the next line. A high contrast ( eg black on white, orange on white or navy blue on white) facilitates quick identification of words. In addition, good lighting, proper posture and a suitable distance from the text promote quick reading. The capacity is increased by curiosity and open-mindedness of each issue with. The clarity of the text, which is also dependent on the experience of the reader, should have a significant influence on the absorption speed.

World Records


Uncontrolled eye movements hinder speed reading. Slow readers tend to go from word to word, make smooth pursuit eye movements and capture it with a look only a few letters. The reading of a word requires doing multiple eye movements. In addition, an untrained reader always jumps to already read text passages, resulting in a sudden reading rhythm caused. A speed reader, however, has a uniform and consistent reading style; he takes a few brief glances stops several words simultaneously. The maximum reading speed depends on the familiarity of the reader with the text. Difficult to understand documents can also be detected by fast readers only slowly.


  • Regular concentration exercises (at least 15 minutes).
  • Eye and attention training.
  • Checked eyes - rapid fatigue is a symptom of problems - also check for heterophoria.
  • Reduce vocalize ( only the key, content words ) since the Eye brain complex is much faster than the speech tools or the forms of the words in the brain.
  • No back-and- forth jumping, this will reduce the concentration.
  • Avoid regression (return of the gaze to an already read text part).
  • Try the largest possible areas with a view to capture.
  • Eyes on the " white line ", the white space below the text line can slide along, be added the words as a whole, such as pictures
  • See Peripherisches train constantly.
  • Use means such as a tachistoscope for training.
  • Read in images process ( language of the subconscious mind are images ).
  • Just sitting, no bending of the upper body, as this may result rapid fatigue.
  • Try to understand the main idea, but not the meaning of words ( like listening ).
  • Keep the text as possible at eye level or slightly below and in about 50 cm away from the eye.
  • Possible in a 90 -degree angle to the blade look ( read support use ), since all letters are then approximately the same size.
  • Ensure good lighting.
  • Read consciousness as quickly as possible and concentrated.
  • Lots of reading! The more you practice, the faster you will be. A lot of readers will in most cases also for readers in a hurry.

In general, the right reading technique should be chosen depending on the text and projects. To gain an overview, for example, ranges from fast flying over. Most average reader can double their reading speed or even triple, by practicing the speed reading. According to various studies, the maximum is for the majority at 800 words per minute - about mostly done only a quick skimming of the text with little understanding.

Known speed reader

  • John Stuart Mill
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  • C. Lowell Lees
  • John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  • Sean Adam
  • Vanda North
  • Antonio di Marco Magliabechi
  • Eugenia Alexeyenko

Criticism of the speed-reading techniques

Contrary to all the promises of some supporters of the text is taken less accurate when using a speed reading technique. Proven no information is read from areas where there is no fixation extracted. It is thus impossible to make a full line of text (or a few words) with a single fixation in the middle of line capture. When speed reading training is often considerably more concentrated work than normal reading, so here, a positive effect is found to absorb information that is not related to the rehearsed technique.

Complicated and nested sets require time-consuming thought to decrypt their structure. In normal reading will take place regressions for this reason and from Konzentrationslosigkeit. The deliberate waiver of such recesses may cause not enough time is there to reflect and fully understand him a set. The reasoning seems to be questionable: Fast reading leads to more content will be added per time. This in turn should lead to more recallable knowledge. Finally, to apply, is that more knowledge is better. Speaking against general that more quantity is not always targeted. Not least, the textual description of a topic by language is not comprehensive ( " A picture is worth a thousand words" ).

The renunciation of sub-vocalisation ( a say the words in my head in silent reading ) is a particular point of contention, because opponents of speed reading technology to keep reading without sub-vocalisation in principle impossible or at least highly ineffective. A carefully controlled psychological experiments affirm the possibility of deliberate avoidance of sub-vocalisation, but with mixed results on the error detection in prose. No effects were measured on the reading speed when reading without Subvokalisieren or no relationship between Subvokalisieren and reading speed is determined ( cf. fundamentally Baddeley et al., 1981).
