Sphagnum girgensohnii

Sphagnum girgensohnii in the Swabian-Franconian Forest mountains

Sphagnum girgensohnii is a mostly gray-green peat moss, which is in the section of the genus Acutifolia of peat mosses ( Sphagnum) and Mosses ( Bryophyta ) belongs. This type is called in German-speaking regions " Girgensohns peat moss " or " Girgensohnsches peat moss ".

  • 5.1 Literature
  • 5.2 External links
  • 5.3 Notes and references


Characteristics of the plant

Sphagnum girgensohnii is a Torfmoosart showing a rare deep green, but mostly gray -green to green to brown color depending on the habitat. The plants are more vigorous and show no metallic sheen when dry. The " terminal buds " at the top of the stems - also referred to as a head - are clearly star-shaped arrangement designed in five-pointed and flattened at the top. The plants form loose and extensive upholstery.

The stems themselves show a pale green to yellow- brown coloration. The water-storing Hyalocyten cells of the stems are not equipped with fibrils. The central cylinder is yellowish.

Sit upright, tongue- spatulate to stem leaves, whose leaf margins are fringed slashed at the broad, truncated at the top of stems. The leaf margin is wide at the base and about designed narrow from the center. As size information for the master sheet can be found dimensions of 0.80 to 1.3 mm × 0.75-0.90 mm ​​. The Hyalocyten are rhomboidal, divided without fibrils and rare.

At the stems also set the arching branches in whorls scale and faszikelähnlichen tufts with 2-3 and 1-2 protruding hanging branches. The Aststämmchen have in beef tissue of retort cells with necks and pores.

The Astblätter show ovate to ovate - lanceolate shape, the blade tip is strongly curled. You are concave and the leaf margins entire, so smooth design. The dimensions are 0.50-0.75 mm at 1.0-1.4 (-1.8 ) mm ×. The leaves are imbricate created overlapping; in the dry state they are from it.

Sex characteristics

The spore capsules of Sphagnum girgensohnii mature in late summer. The spores have dimensions of about 20-30 microns, and are yellowish.

Location and distribution

Sphagnum girgensohnii is a mesotrophente regarding nutrient content type that has a certain drought and shade tolerance and thrives on acidic soils with a pH of 3.4 to 5.6. It is to be found in the circumpolar Holarctic and South East Asia from low altitudes up in mountainous areas. The species occurs in a variety of habitats, preferably on moist forest soils under conifers, rhododendrons or bamboo and in the boreal shrub tundra. It is to be found also in the vicinity of watercourses.

Sphagnum is girgensohnii often found together with the Russow - peat moss (Sphagnum russowii ), but also grows with the centered peat moss (Sphagnum centrale), the Deceptive peat moss (Sphagnum fallax ), the fringed bog moss (Sphagnum fimbriatum ), the five-line peat moss (Sphagnum quinquefarium ), with Warnstorfs peat moss (Sphagnum warnstorfii ) and with the Magellan peat moss (Sphagnum magellanicum ) in shaded locations of peatlands. It resembles rubiginosum Sphagnum having as distinguishing features reddish pigments and three to four protruding branches per fascicle.

Sphagnum girgensohnii colonized North America from Greenland, Canada, and roughly the northern half of the United States; in Asia, China, Nepal, India, Indonesia, Korea, Japan, Russia and the Caucasus region is called. In Europe, for example, Iceland, Norway, Germany, Austria and Switzerland, this Torfmoosart than on their territory from occurring.


Sphagnum is girgensohnii out in the section of the genus Sphagnum Acutifolia within the mono- generic family Sphagnaceae. Synonymous with Sphagnum mehneri Warnstorf is called.

Danger situation and protection measures

The general reduction of wet areas featuring girgensohnii the stock situation of Sphagnum. The species is referred to in the national Red List of endangered species in Germany as " going back " and also listed in the Red List of some German states, as " endangered". In the Swiss Red List this Torfmoosart is judged as " not at risk ".

Together with all the peat moss Sphagnum also is provided girgensohnii at the level of the European Union by the Fauna-Flora -Habitat Directive Nr.92/43/EWG in the updated version of 1 January 2007 sampling schemes and habitat fuses under protection.

The Federal Republic of Germany protects the peat mosses on the Federal Nature Conservation Act ( Federal Nature Conservation Act ), featuring all species of the genus Sphagnum in Annex 1 to the Federal Species Protection Ordinance to § 1 sentence 1 as " special protection ".

Switzerland also provides for all Torfmoosarten and thus also for Sphagnum girgensohnii legalistic safeguards. In addition, Moore will be provided as a habitat of the sphagnum moss under protection.


  • Flora of North America. Sphagnum girgensohnii. www.eFloras.org, accessed on 5 October 2010 (English ).
  • Moss Flora of China. Sphagnum girgensohnii. www.eFloras.org, accessed on 5 October 2010 (English ).