Sphagnum magellanicum

Sphagnum magellanicum

Sphagnum is a genus Sphagnum magellanicum, section Sphagnum, peat moss and scoring easily recognizable by its reddish coloring and the showy large leaves. It is called in German-speaking mainly " Magellan peat moss " or "Medium peat moss ".


Sphagnum magellanicum forms up to 20 cm long plants that dull dark or bluish, purple to deep purple or carmine may be colored and whose red color is caused by Sphagnorubine. Occasionally, also greenish plants. They always grow in upholstery or form Bulte. 4-5 branches come together in clusters, of which 2 or 3 branches protrude. The other branches are hanging close to the stems.

The weak - fibrous, thin-walled epidermis of the trunk is usually 4 -layer, wherein the outer walls usually 1 or 2 (rarely to 4) have small holes. The Sklerodermis is reddish, brown or purple. The flat, almost rectangular, tongue-shaped stem leaves are close to the crimson stems and have no blade vane on.

The hollow, lanceolate Astblätter run out into a broad, rounded tip. They lie on the twigs usually at dachziegelig. Only rarely are they a slightly divergent. The Hyalocyten have on the inner face sheet large round pores in the vicinity of the side edges. On the outside, the pores are third together in twos and. The small, elliptically shaped Chlorocyten are usually smooth, appear in Astblattquerschnitt centered and completely enclosed by the large Hyalocyten.

Likelihood of confusion is actually only with reddish forms of Sphagnum palustre. In cross section, the Astblätter it can be clearly distinguished by the centered position of the Chlorocyten however.

Distribution and location

Sphagnum magellanicum has a circumpolar distribution and is found throughout central Europe. The peat moss is characteristic of the central areas of intact, ombrotropher rain bogs where it grows on so-called tussocks or these forms. Today it is widespread in not too drained raised bog remnants. It is seldom involved in the formation of floating mats. Its pH optimum is in very acidic range between 2 4.5. In addition, the Mean peat moss can be found in strongly acidic intermediate bogs and bog forests. The peat moss stands a shade to a certain extent, but then remains mostly green. It prefers evenly moistened peat soils and avoids longer accumulated on surfaces. Compared to temporary dehydration, it is relatively insensitive and capable of regeneration.

The Middle peat moss is the Kennart the plant communities of Hochmoorbulten companies ( Oxycocco - Sphagnetea ). Typical accompanying Moose are the reddish peat moss (Sphagnum rubellum ), the narrow- Kurzblättrige or peat moss (Sphagnum angustifolium), the Deceptive peat moss (Sphagnum fallax ), the brown peat moss (Sphagnum fuscum ) or Girgensohns peat moss (Sphagnum girgensohnii ).

Threats and conservation measures

Sphagnum magellanicum is threatened by habitat destruction.

At European level, the way all the peat moss in the Fauna-Flora -Habitat Directive (short Habitats Directive ) is provided with the ability to take protective measures, can regulate the taking or use (Annex V) and the establishment of protected areas require ( Annex I).

In German law, the type - again like all the peat moss - in Appendix 1 of the Federal Species Protection Ordinance - short BArtSchV - out and are thus under special protection. The Federal Republic of Germany shall evaluate the manner nationwide in the hazard category 3 as endangered.
