SpiderMonkey (JavaScript engine)

SpiderMonkey is the code name for the first ever developed JavaScript engine, which was released by Brendan Eich of Netscape Communications and later released as open source. Spider Monkey is now being developed by the Mozilla Foundation.


SpiderMonkey is written in C and includes a compiler, interpreter, decompiler, a tool for automatic garbage collection and standard classes. However, it does not provide host environments such as Document Object Model ( DOM).

The benefits of SpiderMonkey should be, to be integrated into other programs which provide host environments for JavaScript. The best-known programs are Mozilla Firefox and the Mozilla Application Suite / SeaMonkey, beyond even Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader. Spider Monkey is also still the JavaScript engine of Yahoo widgets ( better known as " Konfabulator " ) and UOX3 ( UOX ), an emulator for the online game Ultima Online. Another well-known and creative use of the SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine is the open - source suite Sphere, which consists of programs that are primarily intended for the designing of role-playing. Also, the document-based database system CouchDB executes on SpiderMonkey JavaScript code. Spider Monkey and his sister engine Rhino have implemented support for the ECMAScript for XML ( E4X) standard.


Between 2006 and 2008 an attempt was made to integrate the Adobe donated to Mozilla Tamarin, Spider Monkey, to obtain an improved engine that can be used in parallel by Mozilla and Adobe. Tamarin was then extended by Adobe to optimize an experimental feature called tracing, through which a speed advantage was hoping for. The " Action Monkey" said project was discontinued in 2008 because, among other things, the expected performance improvements compared to Spider Monkey were not achieved, would have had to be re- implemented skills on the other hand in SpiderMonkey already included for Tamarin / Action Monkey.


Since 2008, SpiderMonkey is extended under the project name " TraceMonkey " to improved Tracingfunktionen. The new engine was first included in Firefox 3.5. The new engine is a speed advantage by a factor of 20-40 is achieved compared to the previous version in some cases.


JägerMonkey is a project that the JavaScript engine SpiderMonkey accelerated by tweaking the source code. It adds inline add threading and uses the assembler of Nitro, the JavaScript engine of WebKit.

