Spigelian hernia

The Spigelian hernia (Latin spiegheli Hernia, Hernia linea semilunaris or hernia ventralis lateralis) is a hernia ( abdominal hernia ), the ( linea semilunaris ) extends in the region of the posterior leaf of the rectus sheath into the abdominal wall into it. It is named after the Flemish anatomist Adriaan van den Spigelian (1578-1625)


Breakthrough of abdominal contents through the abdominal wall. The hernial orifice is located between the fascia ( aponeurosis ) of the transversus abdominis and internal oblique (lateral border ) and rectus sheath ( medial edge ). The lateral border is called Linea semilunaris Spiegheli because he has a crescent-shaped contour. Most of the hernias occur on the level of the arcuate line.

A herniation of the intestinal contents ( incarceration ) is often the danger with this very rare hernia. To a bowel obstruction (ileus ) to prevent the following bowel necrosis, a fast -operative care is necessary.


As symptoms, there is a drawing pain on the affected side of the lower abdomen.

Small Spigelian hernias are not always palpable in the clinical examination, in addition, the diagnosis be complicated by obesity (obesity ). Sonography ( ultrasound examination ) and, if necessary computed tomography confirm the diagnosis.

The therapy consists of excavation and removal of the sac with reconstruction of the abdominal wall. The gap is closed by a suture of the aponeurosis.
