Spontaneous order


According to Murray Rothbard used Zhuangzi ( 369-286 BC), the first time the concept, long before Pierre- Joseph Proudhon and Friedrich Hayek. According to Zhuangzi resultiere order spontaneously when things leave themselves. Proudhon argued that once policy would be replaced by industrial functions, market transactions alone would create a social order. According to Proudhon freedom is rather a prerequisite for spontaneous order as a result. Freedom is " not the daughter but the mother of order."

Thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment dealt closely at the market as a system of spontaneous order. Adam Ferguson described the market as " result of human action, but not by design."

The Austrian School, led by Carl Menger, Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek elaborated on the concept. Although many representatives of the Austrian School and other liberal thinkers like Milton Friedman agreed with Proudhon position, they do not championed anarchism so decidedly as Rothbard; many libertarians hung rather to the Minarchismus.

In thermodynamics Spontaneous order from the broken symmetry between the principle of entropy and maximum entropy method, which reflects the preference of nature for the path of least resistance.



Many classical economists, such as Hayek, see the market economy as a mechanism to achieve spontaneous order. The market enables a " more efficient allocation of society's resources than any kind of style. " They assume that markets caused by spontaneous order is superior due to the efficient information processing of the planned economy. Central, abstracted statistical data is a poor substitute for the details of a single situation. Planerisches intervention leads to more unintended consequences. The market aggregiere the information and knowledge of individuals more efficiently using the price mechanism. This idea is illustrated by the coined by Adam Smith concept of the invisible hand.

Game studies

The concept of spontaneous order is also used within the Ludologie. Already in the 1940s, wrote the historian Johan Huizinga, that " in myth and ritual have the important instinct forces of civilization their origin: law and order, commerce and profit, craft and art, poetry, wisdom and science. All are rooted in the soil of the game ". Hayek later wrote that " A game is a clear example of a process is in compliance with the generally accepted rules by elements with different interests and konkurrienden results in order."


Anarchists argue that the state is an artificial creation of the ruling class, and that spontaneous order would follow the elimination of the state. According to this view Spontaneous order would include the voluntary cooperation of individuals. According to the Oxford Dictionary of Sociology is "the work of many symbolic interactionists mostly compatible with the anarchist point of view, since it considers the company as an appearance of spontaneous order. "


The concept of spontaneous order was also used in the work of the Russian Slavophiles, especially in Fyodor Dostoyevsky and is related to Sobornost. Sobornost was also used by Leo Tolstoy as the basis of the ideology of Christian anarchism. Vladimir Lenin was Sobornost as the basis of his reforms, to denote a unifying force in the obshchina präsowjetischen Russia.
