Spot-crowned Barbet

Drops Barbet ( Capito maculicoronatus )

The drop Barbet ( Capito maculicoronatus ) is a species of bird in the family of the American barbets. It occurs in Central America and in the far north of South America. The IUCN classifies the drop Bartvogel one as not at risk (least concern). We distinguish several subspecies.


The drop Barbet is a stocky little bird with a strong bluish beak and a shiny black body top. The males of the nominate achieve a wing length 7.7 to 8.2 centimeters, the bill length is on average 2.4 inches and the tail is 4.5 to 5.4 inches. Females have similar body size.

The males have a black forehead, cheeks and ear-coverts black, on top of the head are the blue-black feathers fringed narrow brown and have end up on little white polka dots. In the neck the feathers are slightly brownish. The back and rump are black shiny blue. The tail feathers are dark brown on the top and shine fresh statistics stats bluish. On the underside of the tail feathers are brown blue with brownish horn -colored feather shafts. The throat is white to creamy white, the front chest is gold yellow. In some individuals, the center of the front chest is even orange gold. On the lower half of the breast and sides of the body drops beard birds are white with large black, teardrop-shaped spots. The silvery- gray to gray-blue beak is in relation to body size long, the beak is slightly curved ridge. Females differ from the males mainly on the body bottom. They have a white throat, chin, and upper breast.

In the Central American area of ​​distribution is on the basis of plumage coloration no possibility of confusion with other American barbets. In Colombia, the distribution areas of drop Barbet, five-color and white-naped Barbet Barbet overlap. The white-naped Barbet differs from the drop Bartvogel by its orange-yellow forehead, the five-color beard bird has a bright red skull.

Circulation area and way of life

The distribution area of the drop beard bird extends from Panama to the northwest and west of Colombia. He comes from sea level to altitudes of about 600 meters in front, but he was already observed at 1200 m altitude. In Panama, the drop Barbet is a locally common bird.

Drops beard birds use mainly the treetops region moist forests. They are uncommon in secondary forests. It is difficult to be observed birds because they remain quiet during the search for food. They join occasionally in flocks of other bird species. The diet consists mainly of fruits, take them to a small extent but insects to him. The reproductive biology of this species is largely unexplored. The breeding season falls in Panama according to the current state of knowledge in the period from January to March.

