Spremberg Dam

The Spremberg Dam, also called Spremberger Reservoir, located between Cottbus and Spremberg as damming the River Spree and forms with the surrounding landscape the nature reserve Spremberg dam. The dam, a dam of earth materials, is the only dam in Brandenburg, which is considered a " large dam " and the fourth largest dam in terms of area in Germany. Its tasks are domestic water supply, flood control, power generation, recreation and low water levels. The start was on October 8, 1965.


According to records of the county building department Cottbus the Spreewald was hit in the period 1897-1933 124 times of flood. This meant that residents could only bring five normal harvests. So it was in the 1920s reflections on a flood protection for the upper and lower Spreewald.

Problematic for a dam construction in this area were its geographical location and its topographical and geological conditions. Then a lowland dam was planned was not until the 1950s, which served alongside the flood protection for the Spreewald also a domestic water supply of lignite power plants. Built in the years 1958-1965 dam represents a pioneering effort dar. together with the dams Quitzdorf and Bautzen

Here, the small town in the district Neumühlestrasse Bräsinchen (municipality Neuhausen / Spree ) was flooded. The dam within the 3.7 km long dam is 2.2 km long with a canopy height of 20 m. The lake is 7 km long and has a capacity of 42.7 million m³.

Since 2005, the dam is being totally renovated during operation. From 2011 to the end of 2013 in the reservoir upstream Vorsperre Bühlow have been dredged sediments deposited. The renovation work is expected to last until 2016 and cost a total of 15 million euros.

Recreation area

The Spremberg dam has become a popular tourist area, especially for Nahtouristen from Cottbus and Saxony. Two beaches are located on the side of Bagenz and the small Döbbern. Camping is possible in both places. A well established and popular with skaters also hiking and biking trail leads directly around the lake.

For several years, it always comes back to the fact that the recreation area " Spremberg dam " limiting its usability. Cause both the fluctuating due to the ongoing refurbishment water levels in the dam as well as the increasing pollution of the River Spree again due to the lignite mining in the upper reaches.


Airfield Neuhausen

The airfield Neuhausen offers sightseeing flights over the Lower Lusatia. In addition, parachuting, hang-gliding and ballooning are possible.

High ropes course

In June 2004, a high ropes course was opened directly at the dam Spremberg. In about 15 m height is poised present at different levels of difficulty on logs or ropes.


In the reservoir, which is dammed by the Spremberg Dam, there are five pylons.
