Square academic cap

The so-called Mortar Board is now mostly a black cap, which is crowned at the apex with a flat rectangle and a tassel on it. He is the former doctoral student after obtaining his doctorate, presented as an outward sign of the newly acquired doctorate by the Dean of Faculty at smaller universities also by the rector.

The appearance of a doctoral corresponds today mostly Anglo-American mortarboard. In Scandinavia, however, a special hat is used for the graduation ceremony. In German-speaking countries a mortarboard few centuries ago was very different, as you. Robes of old or the Martin -Luther- portrait with Mortar by Lucas Cranach the Elder can see.

Regional characteristics

The sooner usual ceremony of awarding a doctoral is ceased at most universities, even in the German language area. At some universities, the solemn doctor 's oath has remained, with the candidate promises the fulfillment of the obligations associated with the doctorate. Other hand, the mortarboard is no longer borne solely by doctors or people with higher academic ordinations. Some German universities ( University of Bonn ) will hold graduation ceremonies according to the American model, in which the graduates robe and mortarboard wear ( thereby called beret ).

In many Central European universities, it is customary to make Doktorhüte free - often from colleagues, fellow students or co- students. This homemade Doktorhüte reflect often in a humorous way the work or personal attributes of graduate students - for example, a mortar board made ​​of chocolate or represent a machine part. The mortarboard is awarded upon successful completion of the final examination or during an official graduation ceremony.

In Sweden, the ceremony is also common, if the graduate is prepared to buy a mortar board. One of the few occasions to wear the mortarboard, public promotion, which will take place on a regular basis is - at the University of Uppsala, for example, twice a year. The newly minted doctors is pressed while in Uppsala of each promoter with a laurel wreath on his forehead, he also carries a. It is also customary in Sweden to show the doctorate by wearing a ring doctor, the one, in contrast to the hat, must wear at all times. Depending on the faculty of the ring is decorated with a matching symbol - so show the doctor doctors the rings of the staff of Aesculapius.

In the U.S., the mortarboard is already being worn by graduates at the graduation ceremony.
