St. Pauli Theater

The St. Pauli Theater is a theater founded in 1841 in Hamburg's St. Pauli district.

The theater is located at Spielbudenplatz (opposite the Reeperbahn ) and is the oldest private theater in Hamburg and one of the oldest theater in Germany. The theater with the audience, who received a richer designed front facade in 1898, also was 1840/41 and is a listed building.

The theater opened on 30 May 1841, the " Urania Theatre " and is now operated by financial difficulties in 1844 by a corporation as " Actien Theatre ". 1863 bought Carl J. B. Wagner, the theater and call it from now on vaudeville theater. 1884 assumes Ernst printer ( printer Ernst Theatre) and plays successful Hamburg's pieces. The officer of the neighboring Davidwache Julius Schölermann writes the piece Eggers family or a hamburger Fish woman, in which the popular character Thetje occurs with de Utsichten. But serious plays of Ibsen and Hauptmann be played. 1921 buys Siegfried Simon Theatre. When he died in 1924, his wife Anna takes the lead. During this time Paul Möhring edited the biography of the original Hamburger lemon Jette to a theater piece that will become a legendary success.

When the National Socialists in 1941 noticed that Ernst printer was a Jew, the theater in St. Pauli Theater will be renamed.

The Collie family takes over the house in 1970. Freddy Quinn's musical The Boy from St. Pauli will be premiered and continued to play the lemon Jette. Among the followers of Michael and Thomas Collien the theater of the Low German pieces turns and more of comedy and international dance and music shows to.

2003 come Ulrich Waller and Ulrich Tukur Thomas Collien the house. With stars of German theater and cabaret scene, they develop their own productions again. Here are such well-known actors such as Eva Mattes, Ulrich Tukur, Peter Franke and Christian Redl, and Star comedians such as Mathias Richling, Matthias German, Georg Schramm and Horst Schroth.

Since 2007, grants the Sponsors the St. Pauli Theatre the Ulrich Wild Gruber Prize.

Since 2011, the St. Pauli Theater with the addition operates formerly Ernst printer theater.
