Stack Island

Template: Infobox Island / Maintenance / image missing

Stack Iceland is an island in the Bass Strait between Australia and Tasmania.


Stack Iceland is located north- west of Tasmania in the archipelago of the Hunter Islands. Between this island group in the direction of the Australian continent is Tasmania. The distance from the coast of Tasmania is 5.32 km, the nearest place to Tasmania is Woolnorthund is 9.5 km away. It is subject to a relatively high tidal range.

The island is 954 meters long and at its widest point 350 meters, the highest point is 54 meters above sea level and has an area of approximately 0.15 km ².


Breeding seabirds on the island are among other little penguin, short-tailed shearwaters ( Puffinus tenuirosris ) Dickschnabelmöwe, Silver Gull, carbon black oystercatchers, Schwarzgesichtscharbe, Eilseeschwalbe and Fairy Tern (Sterna nereis ). Mammals are represented only in a small number of rabbits and gold belly swimming rat.
