Greater Crested Tern

Eilseeschwalbe ( Thalasseus bergii )

The Eilseeschwalbe ( Thalasseus bergii ) is a seabird of the tern family ( Sternidae ).


The Eilseeschwalbe is with a body length of 50-54 centimeters, of which seven to ten centimeters account for the tail spikes, significantly greater than the related tern. She is strikingly langflügelig and also has a white forehead in breeding plumage and a white stripe reins. The black hood is limited to the back of the head and a little shaggy. The usually pale yellowish green, in breeding plumage somewhat stronger yellow beak is very long, narrow and has a slightly downward curved ridge. He is next to the body size, the best differentiator. The occurring in the Middle East subspecies S. b. velox has a dark gray coat, upper wing and upper tail-coverts. The most common call of Eilseeschwalbe is a deep croaking " Karrack. "


The Eilseeschwalbe breeds in southern Africa to the Pacific, and the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Exceptional phenomena also occur to Sue and Aqaba.


The International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ( IUCN) estimates the Eilseeschwalbe with all subspecies on its Red List as " not at risk " ( least concern ) a.
