Staging (theatre)

Under staging (from Greek σκηνή, skene: German to actually "tent" ) refers to the setting up and the public display of a work or an object. This applies in the strict sense of the range of the performing arts. Here, a self-contained work does not necessarily have to be brought to the stage, even open forms such as performance can be staged. The term is often used synonymously with the term directing and staging differs insofar as the artistic act of pure exhibit, show or exhibition. In a broader sense, any other form of deliberately furnished representation are known as staging.

Staging in art

The concept of staging comes from the theater. There he meant according to the embossed by August Lewald in the 19th century vision: " to put in the scene ' is, completely do a work for intuition to be supplemented by external means the intention of the poet and to enhance the impact of the work. " And even today, we believe that it is a theatrical performance about a " "handle successful staging. Neatness of a production says today but not so much the correct, authentic performance possible performance of a piece, but means a public praise in the sense of "good performance".

Nowadays there is the view before that there is no single ' correct ' interpretation of a work, and that the staging of a play, therefore, is always more than a mere imaging. Today production is understood that they not only has acting function that expresses something that already exists elsewhere, but as a set of strategies that create something new. This fact has also been incorporated in the jurisdiction accorded by the creator of a presentation, regardless of the staged work, own copyright.

The scenic realization of a dramatic work will normally take place on a stage before an audience, and subject to the direction of a director or director's team. The performance is a production, although in most instances lack of clearly separated stage space; but a director is present. What is important here is not the story of the dramatic work, but the whole of the situation in which combine music, movement, language, light, into a work of art.

Even in the art of film and radio play is called the staging under the guidance of a director, the story, a screenplay or a figure staged (see also mise- en- scène ).

In art is meant by staging also that the artist represents his point of view. He chooses, for example, a perspective, objects, places, people, or situations staged. He directs the eye of the beholder, and the respective production takes effect on how something is perceived.

Media presentation of reality

Mass-media presentations such as reporting, transfers of political or cultural events, sports, etc. require a formative staging. Selection, use of technology, presentation, comments and ratings let the recipient create a picture that is often described as a " staged reality ". The criticism of the media sees this as a falsification of reality (see media manipulation. ), A media occurs primarily in the areas of politics and advertising. In protest staged play a growing role, the 68-movement with its increased use of happening - like design forms resulted in a change in the culture of protest here.


When self-presentation someone takes a conscious pose before an audience or the camera or exercise ( general ) control over the image that ( it) is made ​​by him. Social action is often staged, think of the populist and hemdsärmlige occurrence of politicians on the campaign trail and at the pompous staging and props rich representation of clergy. Also try Economic Manager at performances in front of shareholders, the media, analysts and the general public to impress their audience. Also, they use strategies that we know from the theater as glare, raised platforms, swinging stage sets, and a convincing possible rhetoric, gestures and facial expressions.

Many people want to bring their actions for others in the right light. The sociologist Erving Goffman had the principle of everyday self-presentation described as a performance: "A Presentation" (performance ) can be defined in a particular situation, the overall activity of a particular subscriber, which serves to influence the other party in any way. "

