Stakelberger Bach


Template: Infobox River / BILD_fehlt

The Stakelberger Bach (underflow: mill creek ) is a 7.448 km long, orographic right tributary of Wimberbach in the North Rhine-Westphalian Arnsberg. The stream originates at Hensberg southeast of Voßwinkel at an altitude of 260 m above sea level. NN and flows in a northerly direction to 145 m above sea level. NN in the Wimberbach.

The river section name just 1 km before it flows into the Wimberbach to mill creek names, so that on the topographical maps of the Stakelberger creek empties into the mill stream. In the waters directories NRW is managed as a water main name Stakelberger creek to its confluence with the Wimberbach.

The creek overcomes on his way a height difference of 115 m, which corresponds to a barrel length of 7.448 kilometers an average bed slope of 15.4 ‰. The creek drains across the Wimberbach, the Ruhr and the Rhine to the North Sea.

Nature and Environment

Large parts of the stream are in the nature reserve as part Luerwald surface I: Valley of Stakelberger creek or have been designated as protected landscape components.
