Standard rate turn

A standard curve, and RED for English rate one turn, in air transport is a curve in which the change of direction takes place with 3 ° per second. That is, the aircraft requires two minutes for a full circle.

The rules adopted by the air traffic control of an airport routes for the preparation for landing, are usually composed of straight lines and standard curves. The same applies for the transition from start to climb. The ICAO requires that curves in holding as a standard curve, or are to be executed with a roll angle of 25 °. That said request is to be selected, which leads to a smaller angle to the longitudinal axis.

Roll angle

The roll angle, which is necessary for a standard curve, depends on the speed of the aircraft. It is faster with respect to the air, the greater should be the angle in order to fly a full circle in two minutes. The roll angle can be calculated using the following formula:

Here, the speed of the aircraft relative to the air, the time required for a full circle, and the acceleration of gravity. With a speed indication in knots, as usual in civil aviation and the angular velocity of 3 ° per second for a standard curve, this results in approximately:

This formula can be further approach to calculate the value in the head can:
