Static Apnea

As time diving, also static apnea diving ( engl. Static Apnea ) is, with one breath to stay underwater as long as possible while scuba diving, especially the free-diving refers to a Leistungsdisdziplin, when it comes.

The time is measured in the breathing openings (nose and mouth) under water. Therefore it is not necessary to dive. Most Apnoisten prefer to lie on the surface and only to dip his face into the water. With a security guard prearranged characters to be replaced beforehand, in order to detect a sudden fainting from lack of oxygen at an early stage. For competitions that meet the standards of the international freediving organization AIDA International, the expected dive time will be announced in advance. If this time is exceeded, penalties are imposed. The implementation must be within a time window of ten seconds to be carried out starting with the so-called "Official Top". After the mouth or nose left the water, the time is stopped. The athlete must then perform a surface protocol within 15 seconds. This is composed of:

If the surface does not fully carried out, the power is not rated.

The world record for men was up on 8 June 2009 at 10:12 minutes and was established by the German Tom Sietas, since 8 June 2009, the new world record is 11:35 minutes, set by Frenchman Stephane Mifsud. The women's world record is 8:23 minutes and was established by the Russian Natalya Moltschanowa.

A popular variation is the show time diving with pure oxygen. Here the diver breathes about ten minutes before the start only pure oxygen from an oxygen bottle. This is the trigger for the respiratory irritant, carbon dioxide, almost completely exhaled. In addition, normal air contains only about 21% oxygen and 0.04 % carbon dioxide. That is, the respiratory air present in the lungs has almost five times the amount of oxygen. Nevertheless, be achieved in this variant only about twice as long times. This is due to the extreme rise of carbon dioxide. This biochemical process is also the pH of the blood changes. Although the buffer is also trainable blood, but can not be tolerated as an individual line. In television shows, such as the Guinness record show such " world records " at least 20 minutes are shown. The reference to doping in the form of a Sauerstoffvoratmung is often neglected, so that the impression is created that it would be for real time diving.
