Stefan Kaczmarz

Stefan Kaczmarz ( born March 20, 1895 in Sambir, † September 1939 at Umiastów near Warsaw ) was a Polish mathematician, author, inter alia, the Kaczmarz method, and one of the leading representatives of the Lviv mathematicians school.

Kaczmarz completed his studies at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow in 1922. Since 1923 he was an assistant at the Technical University of Lviv, on the recommendation of Stefan Banach. In 1924, the promotion was conducted at Stanislaus Ruziewicz at the University of Lviv and 1928 he was also his habilitation there.

After the German invasion of Poland Kaczmarz was drafted as a reserve lieutenant, and was killed in September 1939. According to another version, he was arrested by the NKVD and murdered in 1940 in Katyn.


  • Parks, P. C.: S. Kaczmarz ( 1895-1939 ). International Journal of Control, Volume 57, Issue 6, pp. 1263-1267, 1993.