Stephen Dragutin of Serbia

Stefan Dragutin (* around 1252, † March 12, 1316 in Đurđevi Stupovi monastery) was the son of Stefan Uroš I and his wife Hélène d'Anjou, and from 1276 to 1282 the Serbian king.

Stefan Dragutin was married to Katalina from the house of the Hungarian Anjou. When Stefan Uroš I. 1269 led a campaign against Hungary and was struck by this, was used to pressure Hungary Dragutin co-regent of his father. 1275 tried to conquer Stefan Uroš I. the Republic of Dubrovnik ( Ragusa). With the help of Hungary and the Republic of Dubrovnik Dragutin gathered an army and overthrew his father 1276. In Serbia too big a Hungarian influence, or even the Serbian connection to Hungary, it was feared, which is why the Serbian national assembly Stefan Dragutin deposed in 1282 and his younger brother Stefan Uroš II Milutin was enthroned.

After his dismissal in 1282 Stefan Dragutin part rulers remained in the northern regions of Serbia and was due to his family ties with the Hungarian royal family Belgrade and Srem and the Banate Só and Osora in eastern Bosnia, where he ruled until 1316. Together with Milutin he conquered parts of eastern Serbia. Stefan Dragutin retired as a monk in the monastery Teoktist Đurđevi Stupovi ( Pillars of George) at Ras, where he died in 1316. His son Stefan Vladislav felt as a Hungarian Anjou and gave his kingdom back to the Hungarian crown, but the southern areas conquered Stefan Uroš II Milutin.
