Stephen M. Weissman

Stephen Weissman ( born 1937 in Bronx ) is an American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and biographer of Charles Chaplin.


Weissman grew up as a child with workers songs and ballads from the Spanish Civil War, since his parents were members of the American Communist Party CPUSA. His Russian-born maternal grandmother fled the pogroms few years before the beginning of the Russian Revolution and went to the USA. Here they saw the 1917 film comedy The immigrants, thus it became a lifelong devotee of Charles Chaplin. Her passion was passed on to her grandson Stephen Weissman, who published a biography of Charles Chaplin, 2008.

Weissman is a professor at the Washington School of Psychiatry.


  • Frederick Douglass. Portrait of a Black Militant. A Study in the Family Romance. The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 30/ 1975, p 725-751
  • His Brother's Keeper. A Psycho- Biography of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Madison, CT, 1989, ISBN 0823623424
  • Chaplin. A Life. Arcade Publishing, New York 2008 German edition: Chaplin. A Biography. Translated from the English by Ulrike Seeberger. Foreword by Geraldine Chaplin. Building, Berlin 2009, ISBN 978-3-351-02708-7