Steven Utley

Steven Utley ( born November 10, 1948 in Fort Knox, Kentucky; † January 12, 2013 in Smyrna, Tennessee) was an American writer.

Utley grew up as the child of a professional soldier, inter alia, in the UK and on Okinawa. He had his first publication in 1972 in the Perry Rhodan series. Utley wrote science fiction literature, especially short stories, novellas and miniatures, and edited anthologies. Lyrically were a formal model for him Japanese Senryu.

He was an employee of smaller and larger literary science fiction magazines. Utley was cross-linked in circles Texan science fiction authors, he was nominated for the Nebula Award. He described himself ironically as " an internationally unknown author ".

Writings (selection )

  • Michael Nagula: science-fiction stories. 85th Frankfurt / M: Ullsteinhaus, 1980

As editor

  • Lone Star Universe: Speculative Fiction from Texas, 1976 ( with Geo W. Proctor )
  • Passing for Human, 2009 ( with Michael Bishop)