Stil de grain yellow

The bulk Yellow is a product produced by laking of vegetable dyes on a mineral substrate pigment of historical importance. It was in the Middle Ages as a glaze in panel painting application. Add glue bound, rare in oil, and used it as a pastel painters in the 19th century. It is not lightfast.

Known other names ( nickname ) for bulk yellow are Yellow paint and grain de style ( style de grain brun Stil de grain vert ), english dutch pink, persian berry lake or buckthorn pibment. The ancient name bulk Yellow merely referred to a pale yellow color today.

The colorant portion came mostly from the dried berries ( yellow berries) buckthorn species ( genus Rhamnus ) - buckthorn berries. These are the ingredients Rhamnetin ( C16H12O7 ), a methyl ether of a Pentahydroxyflavons, further to Rhamnazin and quercetin.

With buckthorn berries, the pigments of different hues can be produced: unripe berries yield yellow, ripe color green and overripe berries are purple.


  • Bulk Yellow Stil de Grain, from ripe buckthorn berries; Natural Yellow 13; C. I. 75640 ( Kremer Pigments )
  • Bulk Yellow light ( Kremer Pigments )
  • Ingredients buckthorn berries
  • Bulk Yellow ( Pierer 's Universal - Lexicon )
  • Organic Pigment
  • Dye