
Course of Stirone

Geological layers at Cascatelle

The Stirone is a river in the northern Italian region of Emilia -Romagna, a left tributary of the taro.

Its main tributaries are Utanella, Varolo, Borla, Ghiara and Rovacchia.

On old maps it is also listed under the name Sisterione, Sisterone or Sistrone.


The Stirone originates on the Piana di Maneia on the eastern flanks of the mountains and Santa Cristina Guardia, above Pellegrino Parmense. He runs to the west of the province of Parma and partly forms the border with the province of Piacenza. After he crosses Salsomaggiore, the Stirone Fidenza approaches. Previously ran the river near the Cathedral of Fidenza; in the medieval city gate is still a bridge arch to see.

In Fontanelle ( town in the municipality of Rocca Bianca ) the Stirone passes under the bridge " dal Mulen " and then pours into the taro.

The extraction of gravel has increased the erosion of the riverbed. The protection of the ecosystem is the Parco dello regional fluvial Stirone.


Found imprints of turtles, clams and whales. The finds can be seen in the Museo dei fossili di Salsomaggiore and in the Museo dei fossili di Fidenza
