Stockalper Palace

The Stockalperschloss, also called Stockalperpalast, was built in 1651-1671 in the Pennine town of Brig in Switzerland by Kaspar Jodok of Stockalperschloss.

It is characterized by a four-story main building, three towers and a three-story arcade. The square, built of granite blocks towers with gilded onion domes are Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar named, what is to be understood as an allusion to the three kings.

1948 the castle came into the possession of the city of Brig and houses since 1960, the town hall. Furthermore, the castle is a museum. With an area of 1280 square meters of courtyard occasionally serves as a backdrop for concerts and performances.

Since 2010, the courtyard and the park even with Google Street View is walkable. direct link

Palace and Gardens West View
