
The software is portable, has a low memory consumption and is very fast.

Inner life

The value written in C daemon indexed by a crawler, the lowest priority (ie, inaction ) in the background through files in the file system of the hard disk to archive files, stored e -mails, chat logs, etc. running. As an index backend unable optional hyperestraier, sqlite3, xapian or usually CLucene, the fastest of the four, are used. CLucene is a C port of Lucene and is based on the JStreams classes which are in the search of information contained in files.

For each file, a SHA -1 checksum is stored in order to identify identical content efficiently.


Was launched Strigi of Jos van den Oever, who wrote the JStreams classes, which were then integrated into CLucene. This crawler was originally to be integrated into Kat, where he has but then written their own small daemon for it because of sluggish developments in the Kat project, which then indexed it. The name comes from the Strigiformes, the Latin name for the biological order of owls.


Strigi daemon only provides the backend for a search functionality represents the front-ends are formed separately from work environments and application programs. KDE 4 uses by default the Strigi file indexing interface for combining this with the NEPOMUK data base, the meta- data are used concomitantly in Strigi index. User -oriented search capabilities are offered on the one hand directly from KIO slaves in the file manager Dolphin and Konqueror, and all file dialogues, but there are also dedicated graphical and command-line- oriented clients.

The GNOME desktop environment uses mainly after Beagle 's own solution Meta Tracker for indexing and search, but there is a plug- in to integrate the Strigi functionality in the search and navigation bar Deskbar.
