String transport

The string path or according to the English name Unitsky String Transport (UST ) is a development idea of the Russian engineer Anatoly Junizki.

The development concept proposes a web before on a two-lane track, the rails are not laid directly on the ground, but clamped to the supporting pylons. Details are described as follows:

As a support and guide elements of the strings railway steel hollow sections are provided through the particularly heavy-duty wire ropes, which are firmly rooted and highly strained ( string ). The rails should therefore be about ten times as thin / light as conventional steel rails, but have due to the strong voltage greater strength and depend only slightly even with long spans through.

Advantages are the independence from the substrate because of the support pole - construction and energy savings by preventing air turbulence between the rail car and the ground and consequent low air resistance.

Not answer the question as drive and braking forces are transmitted from the hollow profile rails to steel cables as cables can not transmit bending moments. Furthermore, the supporting structures tend with ropes due to their small mass in relation to the car body with rail foundations under dynamic excitation ( the designer hopes speeds of up to 600 km per hour) significantly to vibrate.

Related constructions

  • Aerobus
  • Funitel - A cable car with two track ropes.
  • Coaster ( Passenger Transport System) - A " rollercoaster" that can be used for locomotion.
  • Railway systems engineering