
Strzelino ( German United Strellin ) is a village in the powiat Słupski the Polish Pomeranian Voivodeship.

Geographical location

Strzelino located in Pomerania, about seven kilometers northeast of Slupsk ( Stolp ) on a highway, running westward from the leg Slupsk - Ustka ( Stolp - Stolpmünde ) the provincial road 210 branches. In the valley where the village is located, is located in the neighborhood of a peat bog.


The streets of the village, called in earlier times Olden Strelyn, originally belonged to a manor. According to a deed of donation, their authenticity is doubtful, however, Duke Mestwin II left in the year 1277 the good the knight Miroslaus called Roswaroviz. 1294 the village is mentioned in a document of the Archbishop of Gniezno. 1364 John Gherwyn Plebanus was in Strelyn. 1366 Henry sold Puttkamer belonging to the village mill the stumbling citizens and the Johann Herder Trammplatz Darsow from Starkov. Thereafter, the Well was for a time owned by the town of Stolp and then passed into the possession of the Colrep family.

To 1784 there were in Great Strellin a Vorwerk, six farmers, a Kossäten, a schoolmaster, called on the field mark of the village water mill, New Mill, the property of the miller was a newly created sheep along with six colonists families, among which are four half- peasants were, and a total of 21 households. The estate was at that time in possession of the Below family. 1804, a Mr. Meske was the owner of the manor. 1853 Good for 80,000 Taler by Gustav Mach was bought, whose descendants possessed it until 1945.

Great Strellin belonged until 1945 to the district of Stolp in Pomerania Region of Pomerania. On the 814 acre community area United Strellin was the only place of residence. In 1925 were in the United Strellin 42 residential buildings, and there were counted 364 inhabitants, which were distributed to 64 households. In 1939 the village had 331 inhabitants in 69 households.

The region was occupied by the end of the Second World War on 8 May 1945 by the Red Army. Subsequently, the site was placed under Polish administration and received the Polish name Strzelino. Great Strellin was renamed Strzelino. The German inhabitants were expelled a few exceptions. Since there was a lack of manpower, some families were allowed to stay for the time being to manage the estate.

Later on in the Federal Republic of Germany and 148 in East Germany 77 determined from Great Strellin displaced.

In the village now live about 480 inhabitants.

