Stuart Davis (painter)

Stuart Davis ( born December 7, 1894 in Philadelphia, † June 24, 1964 ) was an American painter.

His main work is to be assigned to Cubism and Pop Art. Early in his career, he has figuratively painted in the style of the Ashcan School ( he studied with Robert Henri ), after which he worked intensively with the landscape painting in the style of Vincent van Gogh.

In 1913 he presented one of the youngest painters to the Armory Show.

By posing in paintings of the 1920s, names and packaging of consumer products in the center ( eg, Lucky Strike, Odol ), he was already using elements that characterized the Pop Art in the 1960s.

Works (selection)

1921: " Tree and Urn " (30 x 19 inches. )

1921: "Lucky Strike" ( 84,5 x45, 7 cm; The Museum of Modern Art, New York)

1922: " Steeple and Street" ( Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington, DC. )
