Style (visual arts)

The style (Latin: stilus pen, style of writing, style ) referred to in the art, the uniform character of the works of art and cultural products of an age, an artist or a group of artists, an art direction or art school.

Style is the general term describing the traditional common characteristic features of an era and the works of an artist. It is a derivative of individual works of art abstracting and idealizing tool for classification and systematization of the diversity of art. He called Congruent end that differs from others.

Within an epoch ( Epoch ), there are differences by country and region. Also the work of a single artist shows, despite all similarities with the style of his time and nation peculiarities that make up his personal style (individual style). After the development stage, a distinction both in the epoch as well as in individual style early, high and late phases, develop certain tendencies. So excesses are typical for example for the late phase of an epoch.

Inside the compartment of the academic art history art styles will be explored by the so-called stylistics.

In the current art history is increasingly the pluralism of styles is examined within a period or in the work of an artist and set in relation to historical, social and communicative contexts. Styles will be analyzed not only as formal abstractions, but also as a carrier of meaning. The traditional concept of the single epoch style is increasingly in doubt.
