Sua language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo


The language Mansoanka (ISO 639-3: msw, also kunant, kunante, mansoanca, maswanka, sua ) is a westatlantsiche language that is counted as the sole representative of the subgroup Sua for the language group of the South Atlantic languages ​​within the Niger -Congo language family.

Is the language spoken by about 15,500 people in Guinea- Bissau ( 2006) and from some minority groups in The Gambia. Overall, the language has 17,100 speakers. The ethnic group that speaks this language, are the Kunante that form the Senegambian peoples with other peoples in the region.

The languages ​​Balanta - kentohe [ ble ] and mandinka [ mnk ] are the Mansoanka speakers of course, so that the language is Balanta mandinkanizirani - also referred to as '.
