Sugata Mitra

Sugata Mitra ( born February 12, 1952 in Calcutta, India) is an Indian education and computer scientists. He teaches in England as a professor of "Educational technology" at the " School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences " at Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, as well as a visiting professor at the " Media Lab " at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Mitra was known for his 1999 experiment begun " Hole in the Wall ", which explored the learning behavior of children without guidance and supervision. Encouraged by the results, in 2001 the NIIT with the help of the World Bank, the project Hole-in -the-Wall Education Ltd.. ( HiWEL ) to provide with the aim of children in bildungsfernem environment with little effort learning.

For his commitment, he was in 2012 awarded the Leonardo European Corporate Learning Award. 2013 he received for the same reason, endowed with a million dollars TED prize.
