Sulm (Austria)

The Sulm at Prarath in the community Gleinstatten, looking towards the upstream

Template: Infobox River / Obsolete

  • 3.1 Controversial hydroelectric power plant in the reserve


The headwaters of Black and White Sulm Sulm unite in Prarath (304 m). Approximately in the middle of the river course is the community Gleinstatten (308 m). In Large Small (321 m) Saggau ( Saggautal ) and Leibnitz ( 274 m ) opens the Laßnitz in the Sulm.

In Leibnitz Sulm has an average flow rate of 16.3 m³ / s Near Seggauberg (366 m) is the small Sulmsee in Retznei (261 m ) opens the Sulm in the Mur River. Between Sulm and Laßnitz is the hill country Sausal, which is known for its viticulture.

Roads along the Sulm

For the most part directly along the Sulm leads the Sulmtal cycle path from Leibnitz to Gleinstatten. In parts, this bike path is located on the route of the abandoned Sulmtalbahn. This railway line was put into operation in 1907 and led by Leibnitz to Pölfing -Brunn. In 1967, she had to be taken out of service for economic reasons. What remains from this period are still some steel railway bridges, a small part of the track at Gleinstatten, which is still in use, and some station building.

Origin of the name

The name Sulm is previously named as Sulpa, in ancient times as Solva in the year 860. He is * su̯el-/sul- for ' swell ' traced back to a Celtic name with the root. Changes of the consonants from v to b and o → u are published in Bavarian as often. Earlier discharges from the Illyrian are currently not recognized as correct.

The name of the creek Saggau is from IE sek-/sol-, run off, subside, dry ' derived, in combination ( second syllable) with aha, water, river'.


The area of ​​the two source rivers of Sulm is the Europe Wildlife Areas Ranked # 3 " Black and White Sulm ". Its protective goods are the natural habitats and species of plants Luzulo Buchenwald, silicate rocks with crevices vegetation, nitro Audiophile Hochstaudenfluren, Mullbraunerde Buchenwald, Woodruff Buchenwald, transition mires and quaking bogs, as priority habitats, alder ash pasture Nauen, ravine and slope mixed forests, species-rich Nardus grasslands montane on silicate soils ( Bürstlingsrasen ).

A controversial hydroelectric power plant in the reserve

Plans for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant in the sanctuary were a related to the water right decision ( ruling) of the Environment Minister put on hold in the fall of 2009, after the Styrian provincial government had already adopted a positive for the building conservation notice which is also confirmed by the relevant High Court, the Administrative Court had been.

By two decisions of March 16, 2012, however, raised the Constitutional Court ( Constitutional Court ) the water law reasoned decision of the Minister of the Environment because the decision was adopted on the basis of an unconstitutional law, which in the process for approval of a power plant both as a competent water authority as well as the Governor water management planning body acknowledged rights. The competent authority in the lower instance was obliged on the one hand (as authority ) to neutrality in the result, on the other hand they would have had to perceive ( as a planning body ) positions of a single party. This dual position was declared unconstitutional, both the underlying statutory provisions as well as the decision based on it have been lifted. This was seen by the operators of the power plant project as a decision in their favor, although the Constitutional Court did not address the substantive aspects of the case. The final result of the process will be based on the basis of the new square designed by the Constitutional law. Its content is open. In a parliamentary question answering, the competent Austrian Federal Minister called for a halt to construction until a rapid legally compliant solution would be found.

On October 15, 2013, the last day before the expiration of the appeal period is known that Minister Berlakovich (ÖVP ) official complaint against the act granting the steir. State government for the construction of the power plant at the Black Sulm brings. According to Section Head Hunter, the Board of Water Quality directed against the amendment notice issued by the country with respect to ( Hinabstufung from "very good " to " good") but not against the building permit for the power plant.
