Sun temple

Sun Temple served in prehistoric times as accurate astronomical guide to the seasons. They were aligned with the sun, so that the day of the summer or winter solstice was noted.

It is suspected in the Middle Neolithic circular grave sites in Central Europe, the oldest temple of the sun, or Kalenderbauten.

In the early Bronze Age they come in Europe, Egypt and in India alike as in Latin America today, such as the Mayan culture, such as the Sun Temple of Teotihuacán.

In part, modern buildings are referred to as the Temple of the Sun, as in the Hermitage Museum in Bayreuth.

Famous Sun Temple

  • Konark (India)
  • Teotihuacán (Mexico)
  • Sun temple of Niuserre in Abu Gurob at Abusir (Egypt)
  • Mesa Verde ( USA)
  • Circle grave system of Goseck ( Germany )
  • Ring of Brodgar (United Kingdom)
  • Stonehenge (United Kingdom)