Superficial epigastric artery

The superficial epigastric artery ( " superficial epigastric artery " ) is a small artery of the trunk. It rises close to the people from the femoral artery below the inguinal ligament and passes through the saphenous opening and the cribriform fascia. Then she moves into the subcutaneous tissue of the anterior abdominal wall toward navel.

In veterinary anatomy, the artery is called the caudal superficial epigastric artery and emerges from the pudendal artery externa. Again, she moves into the subcutaneous navel upward and anastomoses there with the superficial epigastric artery cranialis. It supplies the skin next to the mammary gland in males the foreskin. In horses and cattle it is also referred to as cranial mammary artery ( " front udder artery ").

Pictures of Superficial epigastric artery
