Surface finishing

Under surface technology means the sum of all technologies for altering the properties of surfaces.


The basic idea of surface engineering is the principle of separation of functions between the volume of a component or a tool and its surface. The volume fulfills a primary function (usually a specific form, such as gears) and has additional properties such as weight, strength, workability, but also eg a low price. The surface can then use the surface engineering processes can be optimized to a specific requirement profile and so fulfill other functions. This can be:

  • Mechanical protection (wear, friction)
  • Barrier function ( corrosion resistance, permeation, diffusion, heat insulation )
  • Interfacial interaction ( biocompatibility, wettability, lacquerability )
  • Electrical function ( conductivity, electrical insulation )
  • Optical function ( reflection, absorption, decoration)

Since nowadays a material alone can hardly meet all requirements imposed on him, the separate optimization of the surface represents a major advance

Process technology, experience the process of surface engineering in addition to the traditional manufacturing process primitives, forming, cutting and joining with two other classes of methods:

  • Coating
  • Change material property


A drill ceramic would last very long, but would be brittle and can be produced only with much effort. Therefore, it produces the primary form of steel that you can still edit well and adds the necessary wear protection by a coating.

Steels used for bodies of automobiles, have a very good crash behavior, and are also inexpensive, but not resistant to corrosion. Although stainless steel is corrosion resistant, but more expensive and less firm. Therefore, it accesses the first solution back and provides the steel sheets with a corrosion protection, eg by galvanizing and painting.


Buildings in hot climates are whitewashed for thousands of years to better reflect the incident sunlight and to keep the interior cool. Also the introduction freshly forged swords in manure piles, where the surface layer of the steel enriched with nitrogen and thus is getting harder, for a long time practicing technique is to show that the surface technology has ancient roots.
