Surplus labour

Under overtime ( surplus labor ) is the understood in the Marxian critique of political economy that go beyond those to maintain the wage-worker, so to prepare the necessary by him to life goods necessary (to his "reproduction" ) work work that in itself form of surplus-value and surplus-product objectified.

Division of labor according to Marx

Marx divides the work into two sections:

  • The first section presents the necessary work required by the wage-workers in the production process in order to develop a value - equivalent of his wages. The value of labor power is determined as of every other commodity, by their ( re) production socially necessary labor, ie in the case of labor, for example, by food costs, cost of training, cost of maintenance of the worker in a powerful state, etc. This work is also " necessary for the worker, because regardless of the social form of his work," it is therefore work on the social ( is re) production of the worker need for concrete, in which production relations, it is also always realized.
  • The second period of the working day is, for Marx, the surplus-labor is, in the immediate producer, the laborer, no value equivalent to its value-creating activities ( work) receives, this value is so appropriated by another person, and in this sense a labor exploitation takes place. In the capitalist mode of production, for example, the entrepreneur draws through wage labor the more value on the work process.

More labor and surplus value in Marx

As the value is determined by the objectified in her work, so the added value of objectified overtime forms:

From the ratio of necessary labor and surplus labor, the rate of surplus value ( = value added / variable capital ) can be determined that " [ the exact ] expression for the degree of exploitation of labor power " represents: Added value / variable capital of surplus labor / necessary labor. "Both proportions express the same relationship in verschiedner form, the one time objectified in the form ( Note: Added value / variable capital ), the other time in the form of liquid working (Note: More work / Required work). "
