
66.207194444444 - 15.712805555556Koordinaten: 66 ° 12 ' N, 15 ° 43 ' W

The rural community Svalbarð ( Isl Svalbarðshreppur ) is located in north-eastern Iceland in the region Norðurland eystra on Þistilfjörður.

On 1 January 2009, the sparsely populated 1155 km ² comprehensive community had 108 inhabitants. The seat of the municipality is located in Þórshöfn in the neighboring municipality Langanesbyggð.

Geography and location

To the west lies the community Norðurþing, in the east Langanesbyggð. The northern part of the municipality lies on Þistilfjörður. Svalbarðsá, including Sandá and Hafralónsá are known salmon rivers. The 703 m high mountain Svalbarðsnúpur is located south of the village Svalbarð.

Location Svalbarð

The place Svalbarð is a former farmhouse with a church.

Population Development

As now only a few areas of Iceland except the Southwest and around the capital Reykjavík is affected by population decline Svalbarð.

* On 1 December each


The community is connected by road 85.
