
65.746111111111 - 18.081111111111Koordinaten: 65 ° 45 'N, 18 ° 5' W

The rural community Svalbarðseyri ( Isl Svalbarðsstrandarhreppur ) is located in the north of Iceland in the region Norðurland eystra.

On 1 January 2009 the municipality had 396 inhabitants, of whom 239 lived in the main village Svalbarðseyri.


The municipality is located on the eastern shore of the Eyjafjörður. The nearest major town is Akureyri, which lies just across the fjord. North of Svalbarðseyri lies the community Grýtubakkahreppur, in the east and in the south Þingeyjarsveit Eyjafjarðarsveit.

To the east of the main town Svalbarðseyri is the Vaðlaheiði as well (already in the municipal area of the east Þingeyjarsveit ) the wooded Fnjóskadalur. In the southeast of the community is the lake Veigastaðavatn. In Svalbarðseyri the river Ljótsstaðaá in Eyjafjörður opens.


One of incorporation to Akureyri has been issued in a referendum on October 8, 2005 a cancellation.

Population Development

* On 1 December each
