Sven Stolpe

Sven Stolpe ( born August 24, 1905 in Stockholm; † 26 August 1996 Filipstad ) was a Swedish writer, translator, journalist and literary critic.

Life and work

Sven Stolpe's literary debut was in 1929 with a collection of essays. 1930 published the novel In the waiting room of death, in which he describes his stay in the years 1927/28, the German sanatorium at Agra in Ticino, which was then under the leadership of the chief physician Hanns Alexander. In the early 1930s Stolpe took positions for internationalism and against aestheticism. At the same time he was a member of the Oxford Group, a Christian revival movement that called for a moral rearmament. In the early 1940s he became involved, among other things, with his friend the poet Bertil Malmberg, against Nazism and criticized the repression in the Soviet Union. In 1947 he converted to Catholicism. 1959 his dissertation on Queen Christina of Sweden under the title The Misadventures of stoicism till mysticism was published ( "From the stoicism to mysticism "), which abdicated in connection with their own conversion to Catholicism. He also wrote biographies of Joan of Arc and Saint Birgitta. From 1945 to 1961 he was a literary critic of the newspaper Aftonbladet. His autobiography, " I look back - I look ahead " was translated into German by Rita Öhquist.


In 1931 he married Karin von Euler Chelpin, daughter of a chemist and Nobel Prize winner Hans von Euler - Chelpin and the scientist Astrid Cleve. The couple had four children: Staffan Stolpe, Lisette Schulman, Monica Rennerfelt († 1996) and Benkt Stolpe.
