Svensson's Copper Underwing

Svensson Pyramideneule ( Amphipyra berbera )

Svensson Pyramideneule ( Amphipyra berbera ) is a butterfly (moth ) from the family of cutworms ( Noctuidae ). The German name honors the Swedish Ingvar Svensson Lepidopterologen to recognize the independence of the kind in the late 1960s. Because of this relatively late discovery, the species was sometimes referred to as " Overlooked Pyramideneule ".

  • 6.1 Notes and references
  • 6.2 Literature



The moths reach a wingspan of 49-53 millimeters. They have gray-brown patterned forewings, on which a part of the central region is colored black. This is limited, each with a yellow-white inner and outer transverse line. In midfield, a white, black cored ring blemish can be seen. The hind wings are copper- colored to the front edge toward brighter. There is a great similarity to Pyramideneule ( Amphipyra pyramidea ). The following table lists key differentiators are listed: While it is not always all listed differentiators in all copies of the same place, but a sufficient number for a reliable determination of the most recognizable.


The caterpillars have distributed a green color and a lot of white dots and lines on the body. At the level of the spiracles runs a continuous whitish lateral line, which is limited dark upward. At the end of the abdomen there is a distinct pyramid-shaped humps on which tapers to a white line usually red top. The following table lists key differentiators for similar Pyramideneule are listed: While it is not always all listed differentiators in all copies of the same place, but a sufficient number for a reliable determination of the most recognizable.

Geographical distribution and occurrence

The species occurs from north-west Africa via Europe to Asia Minor and the Caucasus front. Since the separation of Amphipyra pyramidea was late, yet further studies are necessary to complete throughout the entire range. In the Alps, it is still to be found above the tree line. She lives mainly in mixed and deciduous forests, and in parklands.

Way of life

Svensson Pyramideneule forms one generation per year, which flies from early July to early October. It is published two weeks earlier than the Pyramideneule. The nocturnal moths like to visit in large numbers and artificial bait. The caterpillars are found from May to early July. They feed on the leaves of deciduous trees. Hawthorn (Crataegus ) and Linde species were found previously (Tilia ). When breeding they also take leaves lilacs (Syringa ) as food. The species overwinters as an egg.


Svensson Pyramideneule occurs in all German federal states and is classified on the Red List of Threatened Species as not at risk.


The species was first as North African subspecies of Amphipyra pyramidea, ie as ssp. berbera viewed. Through habitual and genitalmorphologische differences however, it was recognized as an independent species.

