Swan Coastal Plain

The Swan Coastal Plain ( German: Swan Coastal Plain ) in Western Australia is a geographical area - a geological and biological region, which is counted to the Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia ( IBRA ). The plane is also a part of the West Australian Shield.


The plane forms a 30 km wide strip of the Darling Scarp lies to the west, the Indian Ocean and on to Cape Naturaliste in the south to Perth last. The sandy area formed on the coastal dunes. The coastal plain is traversed from east to west by numerous rivers such as the Swan River and Canning River and its tributaries, which also formed wetlands.

There is a mild Mediterranean climate along the coast of this country area.


The sandy deposits in the Perth Basin, which originated in the Tertiary, contain travertine and sand-lime bricks with shells. Perth was built on sand dunes, which originated in the Pleistocene in the last ice age. The sand dune system extends into the ocean, where some deposits of eroded limestone and sand-lime bricks and reefs are located.

Flora and Fauna

In the southwest of Australia is a rich flora with about 8,000 species, of which a quarter on the coast. The flora on the dunes as well as at the level formed bushes and in the river valleys, where there are better soils, grow eucalyptus, in the woods Banksia and other tree species. In the wetlands is an important ecology with many different plants.

In the coastal plain the Western Grey Kangaroo and the small Southwestern Pygmy Possum and mouse-like honey Beutler lives; on the islands off the coast of the Derbywallaby and the Quokka, this mainly on Rottnest Iceland.


Prior to British colonization lived in this area the Aborigines of Yued, Whadjuk, Binjareb and Andi Ward, a clan of the Noongar who lived as hunters and gatherers there.

The Europeans who invaded this area displace the Aboriginal and populated it, and put numerous wetland dry. Use it as farmland, formed Parks and created land areas for recreation.
