Sylvo-Pastoral and Partial Faunal Reserve of the Sahel

The Réserve sylvo - pastoral et de faune du Sahel is partial with about 16,000 km of dirt reserve Burkina Faso ² the largest. Large areas have been grazed intensively despite the official protection status, but there is still relatively little used areas with tiger bush and old dunes in the northwest of the protected area. Within the reserve are temporary lakes ( Mare d' Oursi, Mare de Yomboli, Mare de Kissi ), which are of importance for migratory birds. In higher plants, 354 species are known, about half of them therophytes. The most common tree species include Acacia tortilis, Balanites aegyptiaca, Guiera senegalensis, Combretum glutinosum and Combretum micranthum.

