
Szarbia is a village in the municipality Koniusza in powiat Proszowicki. It lies at an altitude of about 239 meters above sea level in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship in Poland. The nearest neighbor sites in the two km radius are to the south the village Glew, in a westerly direction Glewiec, in the north-east and south-east Karwin Żudów. The administrative center of the municipality is situated approximately eight kilometers north of Szarbia in Koniusza. Main source of income of the village is agriculture.

In Szarbia were found during excavations from 1997 to 1999 dozens of graves and remains of early settlements from the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age.


  • Geography Szarbia
  • Ryszard Naglika, An imperial burial site at the site 7 in Szarbia
  • Place of Lesser Poland Voivodeship
  • Powiat Proszowicki