
Sa ʿ d al- Dīn Mas ʿ ūd ibn ʿ Umar ibn ʿ Abd'allah at- Taftazani (Arabic: سعد الدين مسعود بن عمر التفتازاني; * 1322 Taftāzān, a village in Khorasan, † 1390 in Samarkand ) and was an Islamic theologian, logician, jurist Koranexeget. In terms of dogmatic theology he belonged to the maturiditischen direction.


  • At- Talwīḥ fī KAsF ḥaqā ʾ iq at- Tanqīḥ, also known under the title Sharḥ at- Talwīḥ ʿ alā 't - tauḍīḥ li - matn at- Tanqīḥ fī usul al - fiqh, is a super review of the work at- Tanqīḥ fī ' l- ʾ Usul by Ubaidullah al - ʿ Maḥbūbī (d. 1346 ), which deals with Islamic legal theory. At- Taftāzānīs comment is designed so that it appears as an independent text. He has the work completed in 1358 in Turkestan. The two-volume edition of the Beirut station is available as a digitized version here.
  • Sharḥ al - maqasid, theological work in which he also relates to the injustice that was the Ahl al- bayt, the family of the Islamic prophet Muhammad done, and writes that no one can hide the fact that an injustice had been done to them.