Take a Girl Child to Work Day

The Girls' Day is a once- in taking place of action, which is to motivate especially girls and women to take technical and scientific professions. He should thus help in so-called " men's jobs " to increase the proportion of female employees and to reduce an assumed or predicted for the future shortage of skilled workers in the industry. The Boys 'Day is considered as a counterpart to the Girls' Day.


Various enterprises, primarily in industry, invite girls from the fifth grade class in their company and give the opportunity to meet jobs in technology, science, craft and information technology. Most of the companies and institutions ( about 80 percent) invites you to Girls' Day girls interested in so-called " open meetings " one. In a smaller part of the employee organizations daughters get the opportunity to know where their parents work. Usually, the Girls' Day is accompanied by a program in which the girls get introduced to the operation and have the opportunity to raise questions and to take action.

Rate Girls' Day participants the image of technical and scientific professions increasingly positive. You see these professions today often than varied as five years ago, which confirms a long- term study on the action. Since the introduction of the Girls ' Day at the numbers of training and first year students develop positive in technical areas. With over 21,000 first-year students (as of 20xx ) in engineering began last as many women as never an engineering study. In ten percent of the participating companies (as of about 2008) former Girls' Day - participants are active in technical professions.

Situation in Germany

In Germany, Girls 'Day is a joint initiative of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth, the D21, the Federal Employment Agency, the German Trade Union Confederation, the Confederation of German Employers' Associations, the German industrial and Chambers of Commerce, the Central Association of the German Trade and the Federation of German Industry. The nation-wide coordinating body for the Girls' Day is located eV at Competence Center Technology - Diversity - Equal Opportunities.

The state of Brandenburg has since 2002 instead of the Girls' Day the " Future Prospects for Girls and Boys " at. On this project day all students in grades six to nine can gender- atypical occupations to meet in companies. So should involve typical male professions more in their career choice not only girls but also boys typically female professions (such as day care, primary school and care). The Brandenburg Future is thus also in the general security professionals.

In Lower Saxony, has been held since 2005, parallel to the nationwide Girls ' Day " Future Prospects for Girls and Boys " instead, since 2006 is the participation of students from grades 5 to 10 duty.

The Bundeswehr organized since 2000 annually nationwide a "Girls 'Day - Girls' Day " (eg, March 27, 2014 ).

Since 2011 takes place in parallel with the Girls 'Day, a nationwide Boys' Day, wants to break the role stereotypes for boys.

Situation in Austria and Switzerland

In Austria, the Girls' Day is held annually since April 2002. In the province of Salzburg EuRegio Girls' Day is Berchtesgaden and Traunstein carried out a cross-border cooperation with the regions.

In Switzerland, a similar action as Future is known.


A precursor version of the day of action was organized in 1993 in New Orleans in the United States by the organization Ms. Foundation for Women. The take our daughters to work day was now in take our daughters and sons to work ( " take our daughters and sons to work" ) and renamed is a day exclusively for children of employees in the company. He finds - as well as the Girls 'Day - Girls' - usually on the fourth Thursday in April. The Girls 'Day is contrary to this precursor variant not limited to employees' children. The aim of the Girls' Day is also not primarily to learn about the jobs of the parents. Girls should get on this day the chance to get a broad insight into possible career areas where only a few women work. The aim is that students be their Girls' Day - space can choose yourself. They often take the initiative to register themselves ( 60 percent). The first day, which was carried out according to this pattern, found in the company Lucent Technologies held in Nuremberg in 2000 and was followed in a forum at schools, politics and society on. The Girls 'Day - Girls' - has been around since 2001, the country of origin is Germany. .


The name of the day of action was chosen based on a small survey within the appropriate target audience ( girls aged ten to 15 years ) in classrooms and Girls clubs. Girls' Day was the favorite of the girls surveyed name. Since the term in the German language to express the goal of this nationwide day of action, then the full name "Girls 'Day - Girls' ."

Criticism of the Girls' Day

After the introduction of the Girls ' Day was repeatedly pointed to the lack of counterpart for boys. Since 2011, the Boys' Day. However, there is also criticism of the fact that boys should be brought up to the low-paid jobs in the social sector and that the action days are not sustainable.

The Bundeswehr is now the largest operators in the Girls ' Day has been criticized for violating the UN Children's conventions. Contrary to the commitment of a minimum age of 14 years, the soldier was recruited already at eleven girls for the profession.
