Takla Maryam

Takla Mariam ( äthiop. ተክለ ማርያም, " greenhouse Mary " throne name Hezba Nan ህዝበ ናኝ, † 1433 ) was from 1430 to 1433 Negest Negus ( Emperor ) of Ethiopia and a member of the Solomonic dynasty. He was the second son of Yeshaq I.

Manoel de Almeida notes that the descendants Takla Mariam brought by the Emperor Zara Yaqob of Amba Geshen down and into exile in hot areas were sent with many diseases. When his son, the Emperor Ba'eda Mariam looked at the beginning of his reign to make up for this by having called her back from exile, they killed his messengers. Ba'eda Mariam immediately led sanctions, and had 80 of them beheaded. Nevertheless, they stood at the time Almeida's still under heavy guard.
