
65.628055555556 - 23.825555555556Koordinaten: 65 ° 38 'N, 23 ° 50 ' W

The rural community Tálknafjörður ( Isl Tálknafjarðarhreppur ) is located in northwestern Iceland in the West Fjords.

On 1 January 2009 the municipality had 308 inhabitants, of whom 275 were living (as of 2007 ) in the same place.

On the landward side the municipal area is completely surrounded by the municipality Vesturbyggð. An association with Vesturbyggð granted the population in a referendum on October 8, 2005, a cancellation.

Tálknafjörður is a small fishing village in the same fjord, the northern arm of the Patreksfjörðurbucht. The former name of the place was Sveinseyri. There are 161 road kilometers to Isafjordur, the largest city in the West Fjords, and 403 road kilometers to Reykjavík. This route can be shortened considerably by the ferry from Brjánslækur Stykkishólmur.

Population Development
