Teatao Teannaki

Teatao Teannaki (* 1936) is a politician Kiribati origin.

Before Teannaki was appointed Vice President of the beginning of 1979 under the then Head of State Jeremiah Tabai, he was a member of the House of Assembly of Kiribati, the Kiribati Parliament. In addition to this office until 1987 he was also the Minister of the Interior from. Between 1987 and 1991 he served as Minister of Finance.

In 1991 he inherited Iremia Tabai as head of state of Kiribati. This office kept Teannaki until October 1, 1994, when he lost to eventual President Teburoro Tito elected president.

Despite his electoral defeat Teannaki remained until today chairman of his party, the National Progressive Party of Kiribati.


  • Harris M. Lentz, III. Heads of State and Governments. McFarland & Company, Inc., Jefferson, NC 1994, ISBN 0899509266th

Jeremiah Tabai | Rota Honorius * | Ieremia Tabai | Teatao Teannaki | Tekiree Tamuera * | * Ata Teaotai | Teburoro Tito | Transportation Otang * | Anote Tong

Chairman of the State Council *

  • Politicians (Kiribati )
  • Kiribatier
  • Born in 1936
  • Man