
Tempura (Japanese天ぷらor天 麸 罗, also tenpura ) is a preparation of fried food variant in Japanese cuisine. Be provided with a batter of flour, egg and ice water several fish, mushroom and vegetables and sprouts and young leaves fried quickly in hot (140 to 190 ° C) oil.

In Japan, fine tempura flour is used for the batter, which is made from rice and is available in some Asian grocery stores or the delicatessen trade in other countries. Instead of tempura flour and wheat flour may be used. Particularly suitable for baking are shrimp and prawns. The preferred vegetables include sweet potato, lotus, eggplant, peppers, onions, carrots, peppers, zucchini, asparagus tips. Outside of Japan also meat (especially turkey) and fruit are cooked (eg banana) in this way.

Originally tempura radicals from the fat or frying pan, was absorbed in the small dough and vegetable pieces after frying the Hauptfrittierguts and offered as a particularly crispy salted version.

This formula and the word tempura were probably taken in the 16th century by Portuguese Jesuit missionaries. The Latin word tempora is a short term for " Lent ". The long form is - according to source - ad tempora quadragesimae ( " Lent " ), but more likely is the derivation of " quattuor tempora ," said Ember.

In Italy, this preparation method is known as fritto misto.

Tempura is in contrast to the other customs of Japanese cuisine very fatty. It is eaten as a main dish and also as a combined dish with soba, rice ( as " Tendon " ) and other low-fat foods. Tempura is inflicted usually with tentsuyu sauce or with a solution prepared from rice wine and soy sauce dipping sauce, the grated radish and ginger, eaten immediately after preparation. Also in Tempura Sushi has arrived and is often used as a warm filling. Outside of Japan and all sushi rolls are prepared as tempura.

Tendon ( dish of tempura on rice, where fried fish )

Tempura menu with rice, miso soup ( in the covered dishes ), tentsuyu sauce and fried vegetables
